Grace Graber – Breakthrough (Album Review)


Grace Graber is a new artist for me and Breakthrough is her first album. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first listened to her music. I was pleasantly overjoyed! Her style is punk pop – which I really like. The thing that stood out to me the most about her music is her message. Grace was suicidal, but a Hawk Nelson song saved her. She’s now a mental health advocate. The lyrics in her songs mirror this message. She’s dealt with depression. She knows what it’s like to face the darkness, so I guess that’s why her music is relatable.

Some of the songs that stood out to me were, “SOLO” – it’s my favorite song off the album. I found myself singing along to the words in my car. I love the picture that God can always save us, no matter how deep we get! The other track I like is, “No Regrets”. It’s a fun, jumpy song, one that will make you want to dance. Admittedly, I also found myself belting this out in the car. Hawk Nelson was a guest singer on this track, too, so that’s cool. “Signs,” is another great song, with the lyrics “I’m still breathing, there’s a reason I’m still here. My heart is still beating.” Realizing myself that I’m still here for a reason, heart still beating.

All of the songs on Grace’s album are wonderfully crafted. I think that younger listeners would especially appreciate this music as they can relate to the lyrics. Grace has dealt with depression and anxiety, and that’s a main theme in this album. I still deal with depression and anxiety, myself, so this album spoke to me. I highly recommend it for anyone that likes punk pop, and that has faced these issues. It’s an encouraging album, for sure. After listening to Breakthrough, I look forward to hearing more from Grace Graber.

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One response to “Grace Graber – Breakthrough (Album Review)”

  1. Pam Thorson Avatar

    Great review! It makes me want to check this one out. I look forward to reading more reviews from you.

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