Most Addictive Song (for now) #001 The Jellyrox “Rebel Tide” (Coffee House Version)



I’ve been wanting to do a weekly article highlighting one new or recent song that I’ve been listening to way too much because it’s just so good. This series will also double as a song review/recommendation. You can check out this series every week to discover new songs to add to your next playlist.

So today I’m starting the series with my first pick and it’s a song that is so crisp and clean and sounds amazing on my sound system. The acoustic guitars are not at all complicated but just plain beautiful. This song is so perfectly tracked and uncomplicated that it’s brilliant.

What song is it? It’s the acoustic version of The Jellyrox’s “Rebel Tide”. The coffee house version. The original “Rebel Tide” song is from the EP “Embellish” which released today. The remixed version is not on the EP but you can stream it from soundcloud which is what I’ve been doing, frankly for weeks now. Now if I can just figure out how to buy it…

Thanks to Matt Langston we have this song available to download for free! Click Here to get the Most Addictive Song of the Week

So here it is. Check out my Most Addictive Song of the Week “Rebel Tide” (Coffee House Version) below.

What do you think of this song? What song are you addicted to right now?
Comment below and let me know!

Kevin Thorson
Senior Editor

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