Slightly Obsessed #038: Hungry


You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13

Something is going on inside me.

It’s not sadness. It’s not depression. It’s…longing. Lately, an intense spiritual yearning has awakened in me. It sends me into God’s Word and drives my spirit to prayer. It consumes my days and sends me brooding into the night.

I need God.

No, I’m not a new Christian, and maybe that’s the problem. I’ve walked with Him for many years, through regular seasons of soul-drought and faith-feast. At times, He’s taken me to the soaring heights of His fellowship; and at times, He’s stepped back to let me trudge through the valley of the shadow without so much as a glimpse of His beautiful face. Through the years, He’s pushed me, prodded me, blessed me, sent me to my room, held my hand, left me to my own devices, driven me to the edge of trust, and gently drawn me ever upward toward His glorious light.

Just when I think I know Him, when I think I have this relationship down, He comes roaring into my heart, a silent howl reminding me that the God-shaped hole inside me is not a box but an ever-expanding universe. His call is unrelenting and as sure as a homing beacon. He will never be content until everything I am is submitted to Him and my spirit has returned to His rest.

He’s not doing it because He is an ego-maniac, but because He is a loving Father. He wants me to live in victory, in peace, and in holiness.  He’s preparing me in one age for life in another.

He’s calling me out.

Out of complacency. Out of the “little sins.” Out of fear, mistrust, and bitterness. Out of the safety of anonymity.

He’s calling me into the Light.

Who knows what the next day will bring? Our world lies in chaos; humanity totters collectively on the brink of disaster. All I know is that it’s not going to be enough to be a casual Christian anymore. It’s going to take complete commitment to live in victory in the days that are about to come upon us. God is stirring up His people – I feel it deep within my soul.

Can you feel the Hunger? God is on the move.


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