Slightly Obsessed #041: A Psalm for the Dark Days


I will remember my song in the night. – Psalm 77:6


It was one of those days, he was tired of the maze

Struggling in the mud and the mire.

The rage in him grew before the day was through

The insults fed the smoldering fire.


That was the day I just happened to get in his way.


And his heart roared “No mercy.”

As was done unto him, he would do.

So he looked to the sky, shook his fist, and cursed me.

Ground me down to size under his shoe.


Safe back at home, cold as a stone,

I thought about his words and his ire.

The rage in me grew before the night was through

My mind fed the smoldering fire.


That was the day my family happened to get in my way.


And my heart roared “No mercy.”

As was done unto me, I would do.

So I looked to the sky, shook my fist, and cursed them.

Ground them down to size under my shoe.


I felt it then, the tears of my friend.

He was weeping, my Savior and King.

The words on my tongue that had wounded and stung were an ugly, unthinkable thing.


I fell to my face, reeling in my disgrace.

My sin was now easy to see.

My hard heart was broken, my fears finally spoken.

I begged Him to make me free.


That was the day His grace took my darkness away.


And He cried out, “Father, forgive them;

for they do not know what they do.”

He shed His blood, looked to the sky, and forgave me.

Ground my enemy down to size under His shoe.


Then He knelt down beside me and held me as He whispered three words:


Pass it on.


Be kind to one anothertender-heartedforgiving each otherjust as God in Christ also has forgiven you.

– Ephesians 4:32

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