Slightly Obsessed #085: An Audience of One


Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
But to Your name give glory

– Psalm 115:1


“Here’s how to stand out in a noisy world,” the ad in my inbox promises.

Like many writers, I’m regularly bombarded with advertising for the newest tips or book or webinar that will surely teach me how to be heard above the crowd. And that’s the goal, right? Isn’t that what every musician, speaker, author, and teacher really needs?

Or is it?

You could argue it’s useless to spend time, effort, and money on something no one will see, read, or hear. Self-promotion for most artists is expected. In our culture, it’s also become a driving force behind such social media sites as Facebook and Twitter.

We need to be heard. We need to know someone thinks we’re important. We need to know our lives count to somebody. So, we try to get everybody to look at us.

When Jesus walked the earth, He often went to public places to tell His message. But He shunned the limelight.

His mission was to save a planet. But His goal was to please the One who sent Him.

And while the world busied itself with living and the angels watched in shock, Jesus Christ hung on the cross and lifted His eyes to His Father. To God, whom He obeyed all the way to the grave, Jesus gave every drop of His blood.

His resurrection and ascension were carefully orchestrated to be revealed to a select group of believers. No media caught the action to broadcast to the world. So how did the message travel so quickly?

God gave it power. God protected His Gospel and revealed it to the world through those who were changed by it. That’s the message He wants the world to hear.

Jesus never shied away from the public arena when it served the purposes of His Father. But neither did He seek out attention, and at times He purposely kept a low profile. His all-consuming goal was to faithfully complete the assignment given Him by His Father in heaven.

He served at the pleasure of one king, an audience of one.

God did the rest.

This is our example. God has placed His message, His mission, in each of His people. He promises to lead us each step of the way. How and when that message reaches others is up to Him. We may be noticed by others. We may not. That’s not for us to worry about.

We serve an audience of One.


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