Slightly Obsessed #093: Is It Possible to Find the Right Church?


And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.

– Acts2:44-47


This week God did something outrageously generous.

He didn’t have to do it. It was provision we hadn’t dreamed He would make, totally unexpected, but very much needed.

Abundant. Overflowing.

Just like the good Father He is.

I don’t even remember if I had prayed about the situation beforehand. But He knew anyways, like He always does.

Although He knew what we needed, He used some very special people to be His hands and feet in getting the job done. These people listened to God and put their own interests aside to help. As important as the gift was, what really mattered to us was knowing someone saw and cared. 

This is the Body of Christ functioning like it should, taking care of itself and listening to the commands of the Head. It only makes sense, after all. If our feet are cold, don’t we cover them? If our stomach is growling, don’t we feed it? If we hurt anywhere, we should all be hurting until the wound is healed.

The Church is not a building or a group of people with a certain doctrine.

Church is not where we go. It’s what we are: a living organism infused with the breath of God. We may be made up of millions of individual cells, but our DNA is imprinted with a holy code that proves who our Father really is.  One great heart beats to supply every part of His Body with everything we need to grow into all we are meant to be.

What a beautiful thing.

Tomorrow, as we give thanks and dive into food and football, I’m especially thankful for the gift of fellowship. I’m so glad God made you, Church, and I’m honored to be part of you as we walk this earth together in this moment in time. I thank God for you. You know who you are.

Over the years I have worshipped with people in different denominations and buildings. I have a local group I fellowship with on Sundays. Today I realize I’ve found the right Church. And I’m there every time I’m with you, wherever you are.


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