Slightly Obsessed #106: Easter, a Time for Hope


But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep. For since by a man came death, by a man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive.

-1 Corinthians 15:20-22


Today it rained.

The lovely sun-filled days of the past week gave way into a quick spring squall. As the clouds rolled in and rain fell in sheets upon our roof, I picked up the newspaper and a cup of coffee. It was then I felt the chill in the air.

Today I learned that a friend died.

He was much too young and full of life to be gone. We knew he was very sick and his days upon this earth were short. But it didn’t prepare me like I thought it would.

I was immediately filled with remorse I hadn’t visited him lately. He and his wife had always been there for us. They loved to share their Jesus and anything else they had to give with others. If I could describe either of them in one word, that word would be:


This week, of all weeks, when the wild desert parsley is in hot competition with the cherry blossoms and the world is awakening from winter’s sleep, my friend has gone to live with Jesus. He has left the tent that was his brief house on earth. He’ll be back for it one day.

I know this because God has promised it. The resurrection is preached to us in every green sprig that bursts forth from the dead twig, in every plant that emerges victoriously from the cold ground. Every spring, creation shouts the message mankind keeps forgetting:

Jesus is alive.

Jesus defeated death, He is Lord of all, and there is an eternal spring coming.

This Easter, be sure to eat lots of candy. Hunt eggs with the kids. Sit around the table with the people you love. Be sure to tell them you love them, while there is time.

Go visit someone. Sing loudly to God in the worship service. Let them hear you say, “Amen.”

While you’re at it, be sure to thank Him for life.


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