Slightly Obsessed #112: Silence of the Lamb


When the Lamb broke the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.

– Revelation 8:1


Heaven is a busy place.

At least, that’s what the Bible says. According to the Scriptures, it’s the true center of the universe, where angels regularly present themselves to God (Job 1:6; 2:1). Since there are ten thousand times ten thousand angels, it must be quite a process to acknowledge them all.

There is at least one trouble-maker there. Job and Revelation 12:10 tell us Satan accuses believers before God night and day. Added to that are the millions of prayers of Christians rising to Him constantly. Revelation 5:11 speaks of the praise of myriads of angels and the elders around the throne. Heaven is filled with the sounds of praise, warfare, and prayer.

 All this, and not even a sparrow falls on earth without His notice.

The book of Revelation foretells seven seals which contain judgments brought upon the earth in the last days. The seventh seal opens a horrific series of judgments heralded by seven trumpet blasts. Much death and suffering will come to those who have rejected God.

God is reluctant to bring down His creation. Although mankind has turned against Him and committed the vilest acts imaginable, He endures the evil and offers forgiveness—even now. Today, the door stands open to life and an escape from the coming wrath.

How He must hate to end the offering of grace! How long He has waited for us to repent. No one is beyond God’s love. He holds out hope for the soul who yearns to be pulled from the edge of destruction.

At the last, when the door must close, the moment is so solemn that even heaven falls silent.

Is this a time of mourning what must be done? Is it grief for all who will perish without hope?

Or is God listening for that last voice who will call out His name?


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