For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.
-2 Corinthians 10:3-4
A stronghold is the thing you give in to in the darkness.
Not long after God’s people entered the Promised Land, they were given their first test of faith. God revealed a stronghold of Satan to Joshua and commanded the Israelites to go up against it.
All strongholds have names. This one was called Jericho. Some more familiar to us are Anger, Lust, or Drug Abuse. It’s the thing you give in to in the darkness, the immovable wall between you and freedom.
The thing that controls you.
You hate it because you love Jesus. You want to serve Him with all your heart. But the craving for sin keeps you within its walls. You feel lonely and abandoned, yet you choose satisfaction over victory.
God is waiting to flatten those walls. When Joshua and the people of Israel stood before the fortress of Jericho, they must have felt very small. The temptation to walk away from the battle must have been huge. But Joshua believed in the promises of God. He believed God wanted them to conquer this place.
And He did.
God gave them specific and strange orders for the conquest of this fortress. He told them to place priests with trumpets and the ark of the Lord among the men of war and circle the city once a day for six days while blowing the trumpets. On the seventh day, they were to march around the city seven times and give a mighty shout at Joshua’s command.
This was not conventional warfare. But Joshua obeyed God’s instructions carefully, and the walls fell before them.
Joshua’s next attempt at conquering a city would fail, however, because he didn’t listen to the word of God concerning sin in the camp. This failure would cost many lives and cause much heartache to His people.
There is no magic formula for conquering our enemies, save one.
Israel’s enemies scattered when Israel listened to God and obeyed Him. For us, as well, the secret to victory is in warring according to the Spirit. We can’t fight and win by trying hard. We win by surrendering to God. We are promised His weapons are supernatural, powerful, and more than adequate for destroying the fortresses the enemy has built around all that belongs to us.
Do you want victory in your life?
Read God’s Word. Listen. Surrender. Pray. Obey.
If you feel weak, that’s a good thing. God’s Spirit will be your strength and your conqueror. If you love Jesus, you are stronger than your walls.
Let Him conquer your fortresses today.
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