Slightly Obsessed #144: Do Miracles Still Happen?


You are the God who performs miracles.

– Psalm 77:14 (God’s Word Translation)


For the last couple of years, our family has been hit with a series of losses.

We said a last goodbye to several beloved family members and friends. Gains in other areas of our lives were reversed; our days loaded with new burdens.

I sometimes found myself dreading what the next day might bring. I could feel myself wearing out emotionally and physically. About the time I had resigned myself to loss, something changed.

A page turned.

It was a whisper, like when the wind catches the parchment-thin page of an old book. We turned an unseen corner, and a new chapter blew open in our lives. One after another, prayers that I had been sending to God for many years were answered with a resounding yes.

These were not your run-of-the-mill prayers. They were the “stone rolled away from the tomb” prayers, crazy prayers needing an absolute miracle to come to pass. They were desperate petitions, breathed with tears in the night for many years.

It may only be April, but for us spring came last fall. Our world began to thaw just as the first frost settled on the garden. Now, as the earth stirs to life and we watch renewal bloom around us, I remember God is not a principle or a life force. He is spring.

He is real. He is alive. He cares.

Today I proclaim to you that God still works miracles. He parts seas and moves mountains. He calls the dead to life and heals our wounds. I know because I have seen it.

Do miracles still happen?



Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for me?

– Jeremiah 32:27


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