Slightly Obsessed #187: He Reigns

The LORD reigns, let the earth rejoice.

– Psalm 97:1

He reigns.

Has a more beautiful declaration ever been written? Without that truth, we would have been forever lost to life after Eden. But because all authority belongs to God, Satan has no chance of wresting the universe from Him. Because God reigns, Jesus could heal sickness, forgive sins, and conquer death. Because God is in control, evil has been outwitted. Because He is Lord, there is power behind the words, “It is finished.”

The Lord reigns.

Those words of the Psalmist have crushed every demonic plot raised throughout history against God’s kingdom. Today they strengthen those who are suffering, give hope to those who are dying, and grant courage to the living.

Kings dream of conquest, but the Lord reigns.

Men rage against righteousness, but the Lord reigns.

Prayers may go unanswered, the innocent may suffer, and the harvest may wither.

Still, the Lord reigns.

In a time of His choosing, our prayers will be answered, the innocent will be delivered, and the harvest will be abundant. Only God comprehends the mysteries of the universe.

He alone weaves the intricate pattern of grace and judgment throughout earth’s story.

Nothing can separate us from His will, His love, and His grace. In our hour of despair, He is our resurrection. In our deepest night, He is the lamp from which the darkness flees. He is our revelation, our fortress, our king and conqueror. He vanquishes our tormentors. He lifts us up from the dirt and calls us His children.

He transforms the ragged into royalty, the powerless into conquerors.

We live in His refuge.

We eat at His table.

We walk in His riches.

In that great day He calls us to Him, we will see Him in all His glory. We will fall before the splendor of His majesty and cast our crowns at His feet, giving praise and honor to the King who saved us. With all creation, we will rejoice that it is finished.

Together with all creation we will declare, “He reigns.”

We don’t have to wait until eternity to begin the celebration. There’s no better time than today to declare His lordship over our lives. Today, when we must see Him with eyes of faith and trust our lives to a promise, the declaration of His sovereignty is especially poignant; a beautiful proclamation of a timeless reality soon to be revealed.

He is Lord. He reigns. Let the rejoicing begin!


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