Slightly Obsessed #258: Thank God For You!


I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.

– Philippians 1:3-5


Another day sinks into eternity without resolution, yanking the scab from the wounds of battle.


In the darkness, tears drown the day’s end in another night of pain. A crush of unsolvable problems create the sensation of falling, headfirst, into a world without hope.

Then a song on the playlist reaches through the heaviness, pulling back the veil from the holy place to reveal a Sovereign presence.

God is here.

In the stillness, the Holy Spirit embraces and absorbs the pain. His Word, spoken through another hurting soul, binds the wounds and gathers the tears to anoint the Savior’s feet.


This Thanksgiving, I thank you who write and sing and speak truth gleaned from your own sorrows.


Your words of victory in the night gives us hope for tomorrow. Your honest confession of weakness reminds us it’s okay to falter, to be in pain, to not understand why life hurts so much.

This Thanksgiving and every day, I am grateful for my brothers and sisters in Christ. Your struggles and trials and even your failings are not in vain. Together, through the storms, we stand; a temple built upon the Rock by those who have gone before us and those who stand with us.

Together, we rise.

I’m thankful for you who cherish Jesus, whether you are a stranger, friend, or family member. Your pain is never for nothing. Every hard-won victory paves the way for those who follow. You may feel alone, even forsaken, but you are neither. Many witnesses testify to your devotion to your King.

We see.

Every day you live for Him gives someone else courage to fight another day. 

Thank you, today and always, for being my family in the Lord. Happy Thanksgiving!!



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