The Third Temple: Will It Be Built? – Behind Blood Falls

A National Yearning Whose Time Has Come?

As we read and study Biblical prophecy, we realize its fulfillment necessitates the presence of a Third Temple. Separate from Christian eschatology, Orthodox and Conservative Jews have long yearned for a new temple at its historical foundation on Mt. Moriah.

Today, this movement is growing.

The Temple Institute, established in 1987, is dedicated to the rebuilding of the Temple and the restoration of all aspects of temple life. Along with its education and research efforts, the Institute has completed many of the utensils, instruments, and garments necessary for temple service when the actual Third Temple is constructed. From the sacred garments of the high priest to the golden incense altar, each piece is crafted for temple use. Their work has expanded to include a breeding program for the procurement of the ashes of a red heifer for the necessary purification rites, as well as the re-establishment of the priesthood for ritual service.


You Will Remember

After being lost to Israel for 1600 years, the blue dye of the Bible—a pigment from the murex snail—has made a return. This pigment is used, according to Numbers 15:37, to dye the tassel at each corner of the ceremonial garments of every Jewish man.

Speak to the sons of Israel, and tell them that they shall make for themselves tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and that they shall put on the tassel of each corner a cord of blue. It shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of the Lord, so as to do them and not follow after your own heart and your own eyes, after which you played the harlot, so that you may remember to do all My commandments and be holy to your God. I am the Lord your God who brought you out from the land of Egypt to be your God; I am the Lord your God.

– Numbers 15:37-41

The Jewish organization Uzchartem (You will remember), established by Yosef Steinberg, has dedicated its efforts to revive the wearing of the techelet (blue dye) tassel.

Today, the non-profit organization Ptil Techelet produces the Biblical blue dye from the murex snail along with the blue thread. The color, though purple when first procured, turns indigo blue in sunlight.

Production has tripled as demand has grown. The non-profit’s co-founder, Baruch Sterman, sees a Messianic connection to the growth. He quotes the teaching of the 16th century mystic, Rabbi Isaac Lyria, who predicted that the return of the techelet would coincide with the appearance of the Messiah.

Steinberg and Sterman represent those of the Jewish faith who believe the coming Messianic era may be near and have committed to the preparation for the service of the Third Temple.

The Dome of the Rock

For now, the probable site of the original temple is dominated by Muslim buildings. Most conspicuous of these buildings is the Dome of the Rock. It sits on the Temple Mount directly over the Foundation Stone, revered in all three monotheistic religions. It is believed by Jews and Christians to be the stone upon which Abraham planned to sacrifice his son Isaac before being stopped by God. Muslims believe it was the spot from which Muhammad ascended to heaven.

The Dome was built by the Umayyad Caliph Abd Al-Malik bin Marwan in AD 685. Several earthquakes and have damaged the Dome over the centuries:

AD 746: An earthquake destroyed the eastern and western sections.

AD 774: An earthquake destroyed a section of the Dome.

AD 1033: A strong earthquake nearly destroyed the entire building.

AD 1927: An earthquake undid most of the previous attempts to repair the building.

The Dome of the Rock has been repaired and rebuilt numerous times. In 1965, it was covered in an aluminum and bronze alloy covered in gold leaf. In 1993, Jordan’s King Hussein donated 8.2 million dollars for 176 pounds of gold to refurbish the Dome. Although Biblical prophecy dictates a third Temple on the Temple Mount, no one knows how that bodes for the future of the Dome of the Rock. Many questions surround how the events of this important element of the future of the Holy Land unfolds.

Menorah Photo ID 5497676 | © Jim Cottingham |

Tzitzit Photo ID  23485990 | © Blueenavim |

Dome of the Rock Photo ID 49399621 | © Petr Svec |


Coming next week: The Red Heifer

This weekly series follows the story line of the Christian thriller Blood Falls. Each episode occurs in chronological order, giving context, perspective, and Biblical foundation for the novel. Discover the true stories and incredible facts behind the book! See the entire series here: 

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