Manafest Interview



Andrew: I heard that you’re back in the studio. Is that right?

Christopher: Yeah, I am!

Andrew: So can we be expecting some new music soon then?

Christopher: Yeah, hopefully in August is when it will release. I’m really excited about that.

Andrew: What type of themes will you be exploring with this new project?

Christopher: Yeah, this will be my first independent record, so I’m not working with any labels. Musically, I’m exploring a little bit of the hip-hop roots of it, but still with a little bit of an edge. There are definitely some cool songs on it that I’m really excited about. There’s one that’s a hip-hop/acoustic mix song called Reborn. I’m really excited about that. I’m playing with some strings on one of the songs. So I’m messing around with instrumentation and things.

Andrew: So, since you said that you’ll be having some acoustic sounds on the new project, will you be diverting from some of the rock/rap sound that you had in the past?

Christopher: It’s just the one song that’s going to be like that. There’s not going to be as much heavy guitars on this record, because I’m going to do a rock record separately, so this is going to be more hip-hop influenced. At this moment, I’m wanting to do more electronic, but I don’t think we’re going to stay in that vein; we’re just experimenting. It’s kind of what you do as an artist; you just try different things.

Andrew: Are there certain circumstances that have affected you recently that inspired any of the themes on the new project?

Christopher: There’s a song called Pray. That’s [prayer] has been a big that’s been on my heart. Prayer has always been a big deal in my life period, just more on that with certain things. I’ll also be talking about music, and how I feel about it right now and the state of it personally. There’s a song called I Have a Dream that I’m really excited about, that I think people are going to talk about. It’s more of political type of song. So, I’m just exploring some new things and topics that I haven’t necessarily touched on before.

Andrew: With you talking about your feelings in music, is there a certain genre that you’re talking about?

Christopher: No, I’m just focusing on music in general. I’m not focusing on a specific genre calling something out type of thing.

Andrew: So, what do you see within the state of music now?

Christopher: As far as that, it’s a great time for artists to be making music. With me going independent after doing music for 10 years, I think music is at a better place than it’s ever been. People are consuming it more than ever. It’s an awesome time to express yourself. I think artists just need to be themselves more, and I feel that’s what I want to do with this record without holding anything back. I’m really excited about the expression that music allows you to give.

Andrew: What is one thing about you that your fans might not know about you? It can be like a fun fact or something serious.

Christopher: I read a lot, whenever I can when I travel. I post so much of my personal life and talk about it. A lot of people don’t know I have a daughter now, because I don’t post any pictures of her. She’s been pretty amazing, so I’m really excited about that.

Andrew: What are some books you’ve been into recently?

Christopher: The University of Success by Og Mandino. It’s amazing! The Creature from Jekyll Island is another book I’m reading. I’ still reading the Bible [laughs]. That’s about it for now though.

Andrew: What is one or multiple great thing[s] you’ve learned that’s impacted you over the past year?

Christopher: I feel like I celebrate a lot more. We’ve worked really hard over the years to get where we are and to do what we’re doing. But I feel like I’ve come into a mode where I celebrate a lot more than I used to, which I’m really thankful for. [I’m learning to] trust God more and more as I get older. He’s the One who brings true happiness, not material things.

Andrew: What is something you’ve been learning recently in your walk with the Lord?

Christopher: There’s a lot of things that God has shown me lately. I’ve written a lot of stuff down. More and more I realize that He’s for me; He’s not against me, even in the small things. [I’ve learned to] trust Him more and more, even when I don’t understand it. I’ve been a Christian for a long time. I’ve come to realize that He’s brought me this far, and He’s still fighting my battles with me. He’s there for us, and we need to reach out to Him more, rather than reaching out to a friend or something else.

Andrew: Thanks so much for chatting with CMADDICT! I’m pretty pumped about the new record!

Christopher: Yeah! Thanks so much!


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