was founded on March 8th, 2009 by Kevin Thorson. The site’s name stands for Christian Music Addict, and it covers all genres of Christian music, with a particular focus on rock, pop, hip-hop, and country. It offers a variety of content, including music videos, news, free music downloads, interviews, articles, playlists, and more.
The site also features pro-life articles and inspiring true stories, reflecting Kevin’s personal beliefs and experiences. has been recognized for its exclusive interviews with artists like Rebecca St. James, Peter Furler, Manafest, and Fireflight, and it continues to be a platform for sharing music that glorifies Jesus.
The inspiration behind the creation of is deeply personal to its founder, Kevin Thorson. He experienced a life-changing event at the age of nineteen when he broke his neck in Canada, resulting in a C2 incomplete spinal cord injury (read more). Despite the initial prognosis that he would never regain any neurological function, Kevin defied the odds and recovered some of his abilities. Before his accident, music was a significant part of his life, and he had plans to do missionary work through music. After the accident, since he could no longer play guitar or sing, he decided to channel his passion for God and music into creating
CMADDICT is also the home of Slightly Obsessed devotionals, the intriguing Behind Blood Falls, and inspiring series This Is My Story.
My Story and Why I’m Pro-Life
I was nineteen when I broke my neck in Canada. At the time I was diagnosed with a C2 complete spinal chord injury which meant I had nothing. I couldn’t move, breathe or feel anything. All I could do is blink. The doctor there was sure to inform my parents that I would never regain anything. He tried to convince them that “pulling the plug” was the only reasonable option. I wanted to live, even with so much loss. The doctor wasn’t going to ask my wishes though. You see the hospital there was a organ donor hospital, and I was young, healthy and athletic. I was more valuable dead than alive…
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