B-Wade releases powerful debut single, “I’m Thru Runnin’” on Resurrection Records.


February 28, 2025 –Christian hip-hop artist B-Wade is set to make his official debut with the highly anticipated release of his first single, I’m Thru Runnin’, through Resurrection Records. A deeply personal and powerful track, I’m Thru Runnin’ tells the story of B-Wade’s transformation from a life of struggle to one of redemption in Christ.

B-Wade’s inspiration for the song came during a defining moment in his life while incarcerated in the Department of Corrections. It was there that he encountered God in a way that changed him forever. “The Lord showed me how I had been running the streets and doing work for the devil for way too long,” says B-Wade. “Everything I had done in life was to gratify the flesh instead of bringing glory to my Father. Once He saved me and redeemed me from that lifestyle, the Holy Spirit confirmed that I could not continue that way- I was tired. I was sick and tired. I was thru runnin’. Now, instead of running for the world, I run to my Father, and as hard as I went for the world, I go ten times harder for Jesus Christ.”

Through his raw and heartfelt lyrics, B-Wade hopes listeners will connect with his story and recognize the power of God’s restoration. “My intent is that when people hear my music, they see the brokenness of the world and the power sin has on people’s lives, but through my lyrics and story, they see the Healing power of Jesus Christ,” he explains. “I want this song to reach those who are struggling—whether they are lost in sin or battling as believers—to show them there is hope, deliverance, and freedom in surrendering to Christ.”

One of B-Wade’s favorite lines from the song encapsulates its central message: ‘Run the race til the day I go, if I ain’t runnin’ for the Lord, what I’m runnin’ for?’ He reflects, “I was running the streets, running for the devil. But my running now has a different intent, a different motive. The Bible says in Philippians 3:13-14 that we are to press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. I mention my past only to give glory to God for what He saved me from. Now, I run this race to actively pursue Christ.”

B-Wade believes I’m Thru Runnin’ will resonate deeply with fans and new listeners alike. “Everyone has a past. Everyone is running. But not everyone knows they can stop. This song reminds people that God is big enough to save anyone from anything. He leaves the ninety-nine for the one, and we’ve all been that one. Whether someone is still running, tired of running, or ready to lay down their burdens, I pray this song encourages them to turn around and find that God has been right there, waiting for them the whole time.”

With I’m Thru Runnin’, B-Wade is stepping boldly into his calling, delivering a message of transformation, surrender, and unshakable faith. The single will be available on all major streaming platforms on February 28, 2025.

Listen Here: https://lnk.to/ImThruRunnin

Follow Resurrection Records Here: https://bio.to/ResurrectionRecords 

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