“‘This can’t be real, everything will be fine in a few hours,’ I told myself” – Marilyn’s Story
My pregnancy was pretty uneventful. All the check ups were good. My water broke in my home at 10 pm, it was around four weeks before Luisa’s due date. As I endured thirteen hours of labor, all I could think about was how when it was all over, I was going to have a baby…
“I don’t want women to abort their babies because they feel alone or are being pressured to” – Brianna’s Story
As a young woman in high school, I found myself in an unplanned pregnancy. I loved my baby and wanted to keep it, but was surrounded by pressure from others to abort. Unfortunately, I didn’t speak up for my baby and underwent the abortion procedure. The experience left me traumatized, depressed, alone, and suicidal. After…
“All I could do is blink” – Kevin Thorson’s Story
Listen to my story The story of my accident, founding a Christian music website and why I’m pro-life. I was nineteen when I broke my neck in Canada. At the time I was diagnosed with a C2 complete spinal cord injury which meant I had nothing. I couldn’t move, breathe or feel anything. All I…
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28