Most Addictive Song (for now) – Tyson James “Waymaker” ft ‪Bryson Gray ‪& Hannah Barr

This newly released music video for Tyson James’ song Waymaker featuring Bryson Gray and Hannah Barr is just awesome, not in a showy flashing lights kind of way, but in a worshipful reverence attitude to Jesus. I also love the rap mixed with worship, very cool. Have a listen:

Tyson James is a Christian conservative hip-hop artist known for his outspoken and politically charged music that promotes faith-based values. He labels himself as a “politically incorrect Christian rapper” and uses his platform to support conservative viewpoints and challenge liberal ideologies.

He first garnered attention with his single “M.A.G.A.” in 2017 and has since gained a larger following through collaborations with fellow Christian conservative rapper Bryson Gray. Some of his notable tracks include “2 Genders,” “Maga Boys,” and “Empire of Lies.”


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