Slightly Obsessed #013: Have No Fear


Come, have no fear,

God’s Son is here

“What Child Is This?”

– William Chatterton Dix

The voice on the other end of the phone cracks with emotion.

I pause to allow time for composure to come. I’m fighting to keep mine.

A person I love is in pain. There have been too many of these kinds of calls lately.

It’s intense out there. The trials are relentless. Emotions are raw. The season’s glitter seems to amplify the doubts and discouragement assaulting Christ’s body. 

I see it in their eyes. I hear it in their voices.

The saints are weary.

That’s why I thank God for Christmas. Forget the presents, the tree, the expectations of season’s greetings and jingle bells. My tree still isn’t decorated, and I doubt I’ll get cards out this year. The presents aren’t wrapped either. But I still feel like celebrating.

I rejoice because God has come to save the day. I lift a halleluiah to the sky because our Deliverer is born. We are no longer orphans who cower against the darkness in fear. We are not lost, after all. This suffering is only for a short time; eternity has dawned in our hearts and a forever without death awaits us.

I celebrate Christmas because Easter is on the way.

The Bible gives us the ultimate good-versus-evil story, the one about the Prince on a white horse who comes just time to rescue His beloved. He’s the beginning and ending to every life’s drama. He’s the only real reason life is worth living. His coming split history in half and made our every loss bearable, our every day a gift, and our future secure.

Because He came, every day is Christmas.


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,

to which indeed you were called in one body;

and be thankful.

– Colossians 3:15

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