Slightly Obsessed #014: The Coming


He who testifies to these things says,

‘Yes, I am coming quickly.’

Amen. Come Lord Jesus.

– Revelation 22:20


Watch in fear,

O nations.

Tremble before His splendor.


Slink away,

you night terrors.

Your passing comes in a moment.


Wait in wonder,

all host of heaven.

Eternity falls upon you.


Can you not hear the rumble of His voice,

the singing of His sword?

How His arms have ached to finish the battle,

Eternal One awaiting the dawn!


Laugh with joy,

every faithful one.

Shine in the light of your new forever.


Fall before His majesty,

all creation.

Was ever a shepherd arrayed such as this?


No longer a manger-Child

the warrior-King rejoices,

For His day has come.


The lights are up. The gifts are mostly bought and at least partially wrapped. Children everywhere eagerly await Christmas morning, when a year’s worth of yearning sits in hope under the tree. It’s the season when miracles still happen and a weary world celebrates the mystery of the King of the universe entering time and space.

Every year we return to the manger in reverence for the holy Child.

It’s a beautiful thing to remember, though in reality, the manger is empty.

Jesus Christ grew up.

He’s no infant, and He won’t be relegated to a stable. He is the Lord. He is coming again to save His beloved Bride, cleanse the world of evil, and restore His creation. He came once clothed as a commoner. He will return as a conqueror.

This season, the yearning of the ages sits in hope under the tree. His return is imminent. He is, in the words of the apostle, “standing right at the door.”* We wait in eager anticipation of justice restored and eternity realized.

We worship in joy because He’s amazing. We rest in trust because He is totally in control. We smile at the future because He wrote the ending.

He is coming.


*James 5:9

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