Slightly Obsessed #016: Beautiful Heritage

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Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me.

– Psalm 16:6


Their stories of faith and sacrifice are repeated around the world.

Jim and Juanita pastor a small church nestled in the heartland of Idaho. In the winter they get up early every Sunday morning to fire up the pellet stove that heats the ancient church building. He’s over eighty years old; she’s nearly sixty-five. Together they have enough health issues to complicate their lives, not counting the added challenges of keeping up with a congregation.

But the doors are open every Sunday, no matter how small the turnout is for services. As music fills the old sanctuary once again, the morning light streams through the stained glass windows and the walls resound with the praises of God’s people.

A world away, Pastor Mir and Anjali faithfully witness to their neighbors in a Muslim community in Bangladesh. Curiosity brought people to hear their message; hearts began to open to it. Eventually, a church is born.

Mir and Anjali have made enemies along the way. One night, Mir was shot in the mouth and stabbed in an effort to silence the gospel.

Amazingly, he survived his wounds and is back to preaching. His wife explains their decision to stay:  they must remain to strengthen the fledging church they have begun there.

Across this weary planet and spanning millennia, generations of believers live out their faith against daunting odds.

A human chain of obedience stretches from Abel onward through time, linking them together in seamless pilgrimage from age to age. It is an inheritance from every tribe, nation, and tongue; a people of whom the world is not worthy.

Their cultures may differ, their skin may not look the same, but they all wear the blood-red cloak of a Savior’s deliverance. They endure hardship, beatings, and mocking for their message. They suffer loss and death.

They gain a kingdom.

This is my heritage. I thank God for the beautiful family into which I have been born by God’s Spirit. To my family in Jesus Christ throughout the world, I just want to say thank you today for everything you are. I stand humbled by your devotion. I bow before the Father that made us one heart.

I am proud to be your sister.


Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God;

for He has prepared a city for them.

– Hebrews 11:16

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