Slightly Obsessed #186: When the Path Ahead Is Fearsome

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Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me.

– Psalm 23:4

I sat on an uncomfortable chair jammed into one corner of the room. The faint light from the window fell across the pages of the Bible I held as I tried to corral my stampeding fears long enough to find some comfort from God’s Word. Outside the door of his room, a cacophony of voices from the nurses’ station jarred our shattered nerves.

In the darkness, our son lay paralyzed from the neck down, on life support, suffering from pneumonia. We had been given little hope for his recovery and no hope he could go home to live. We stood before a sea of despair with our enemies riding down upon us. There was no way of escape, no place to run.

We were trapped.

The only path left for us was toward an impenetrable sea standing between death and deliverance. As we stepped toward it in faith, learning to care for our son, watching him regain feeling and movement, learning to trust God’s guidance, the sea of the impossible parted before us.

Our son’s injury was twenty years ago. He came home from rehab with us seven weeks after the accident, and he eventually weaned off the vent except to sleep at night. Today he breathes, moves, and walks with assistance. He lives each day with faith and gratitude. We are blessed to walk with him as he lives the impossible.

As we celebrate two decades of deliverance, I think back on the Exodus of God’s people out of slavery. How frightened they must have been. How confused Moses must have felt when he sought out God and was told, “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward.” (Ex. 14:15) I try to imagine what it was like for them to walk that fearsome night through the valley of the sea, under the shadow of death, pursued by their enemies. I wonder what it felt like to reach the other side.

And then I remember. In our home, we walk this path every day, a crossing no less miraculous for its repetition. Each day we have many challenges, but we also have many reasons to praise God for His power and grace.

Take heart. The more difficult the journey, the greater opportunity for God to be glorified. Thank God that it’s not up to us to part the seas. We just need to trust Him and step out with courage into the journey ahead.

Take the first step today toward deliverance. God will do the rest.


Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the LORD which He will accomplish for you today.

– Exodus 14:13


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2 responses to “Slightly Obsessed #186: When the Path Ahead Is Fearsome”

  1. Connie Baranco Avatar
    Connie Baranco

    Pam, your ability to express your journey of trials and faith is so raw and relatable. Thank you for being so vulnerable before God and your readers. Praying for you and Kevin this week.

  2. Juanita Soyk Avatar
    Juanita Soyk

    God has given you a wonderful gift of words. I love reading your posts and I love my Kevin so very much. Looking forward to yours and my Kevin‘s post in the future.

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