Slightly Obsessed #199: Let No One Take Your Song

Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song,

And His praise in the congregation of the godly ones.

– Psalm 149:1

An Age under Judgment

A 2014 Fox News poll reported fifty-eight percent of voters polled in the U. S. believe the world is, in their words, “going to hell in a handbasket.”* As we reel from the unrelenting wave of murders, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, protests, and political intrigue, it’s not hard to agree.

But while this age and its works are under judgment, Christ has come to free us. Society may be coming apart at the seams, but God holds all things together while His plan for humanity is revealed. As history unfolds, He has not forsaken us. He delivers, protects, upholds, comforts, strengthens, and guards us.

He gives us a song to sing.

And they sang a new song, saying, ‘Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.’

– Revelation 5:9

While the world fosters and exploits our differences, Jesus Christ reaches into every nation and ethnicity to bring together a redeemed family of brothers and sisters dwelling under His sovereignty. Creation groans under the weight of sin and death, but God’s people can rejoice in the face of trial, because we have a Deliverer and a hope.

Satan hates the sound of this new song, so much so that he feverishly works to silence our worship. He gives us every reason to doubt God. He whispers in our ears God is uncaring and harsh. He twists our perception of the trials in our lives to make us resentful of our Heavenly Father.

Satan paints the portrait of God as a petty and capricious deity, hanging it in the hallway of our minds.

It is a lie, a deception. It is a travesty to the heart of a gracious Savior.

If nothing else good should happen to us except salvation, it is enough to fill our every moment with His praise. If we live destitute, forgotten by men and angels, it is still enough.

Jesus will always be enough.

When life is sweet, give God the glory. When it is bitter, remember all that is good, and sing His praise. In the day and through the night, fight any internal or external pressures to still your voice.

Sing on.


I will remember my song in the night.

– Psalm 77:6



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