Slightly Obsessed #216: Daddy Has You

Just as a father has compassion on his children,
So the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him.

– Psalm 103:13

They call them fur babies, those pets we adore and spoil and spend too much money on each year.

The other day I rolled up to a stop light along with the usual collection of pickups and SUV’s. This is Idaho, after all, where we wear our flannel camo lounge pants and hiking boots to the grocery store with pride. Our highways and parking lots are well-represented by four-wheel-drive and all-wheel-drive vehicles, because you never know when you’ll have to cross a muddy road here, not altogether an unreasonable expectation in a state that keeps taxes low and road maintenance at a minimum.

As I sat at the red light, a pickup pulled up beside me in the other lane. The window was rolled down, and the driver rested his arm lazily on the door ledge. A chihuahua fur baby sat perched in the crook of the driver’s arm, yapping with all its tiny might at the pickup in front of me.

That’s when I noticed the dog standing in the bed of that truck, protected by a low canopy. It was a Siberian husky, impressive in its white and black coat. It lowered its head but didn’t bark in return. It fixed its icy blue eyes at the little yapping dog in the window. The contrast was both comical and chilling.

The chihuahua challenged the husky, oblivious to the fact the larger dog could have easily mangled him if he wanted and had the opportunity. But the little dog wasn’t worried, because he had his “daddy’s” arm around him.

Then the light changed, and a little squirt of a dog rode off feeling strong and justified and safe, totally without merit except for the love of the one who owned him.

Every day we awaken to a dangerous world.

An enemy many times stronger than us roams the earth, looking for someone to devour. On our own, we are as helpless as that little dog. Our defenses are just as pitiful, our attempts to frighten our adversary just as ridiculous.

But each day, we can rest in complete and utter safety.

Our safety comes in resting in the arms of the One who is Lord, Sovereign, and King, and of all. Just like that chihuahua has been adopted by a kind human, we have been adopted by a kind Master. The price He paid for us was high. The love He bestows on us is unfathomable. Every breath we take, each beat of our heart is in response to the Life-giver. How much more will He redeem us from the trials of this life and usher us safely into His eternal kingdom?

Are you afraid today? Are you being stalked by heartache and danger?

Never fear. Be bold in challenging the powers that try to enslave you. No matter what happens today, Daddy has you safe in His arms. We serve a compassionate Father, who deserves our trust and love.


Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba! Father!’

 – Galatians 4:6

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