Tag: Christian
Slightly Obsessed #009: His Eye Is on the Junco
Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God. The very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. – Luke 12:6-7 It was not a sparrow but a junco huddled on the concrete. Juncos are one…
Slightly Obsessed #008: From Caveman to King
I cried out to You, O LORD; I said, ‘You are my refuge….’ Psalm 142:5 – A Maskill of David, when he was in the cave. The young man David huddled in a cave and pondered his future. He was so very far away from his beloved pastures, where he cared for his…
Slightly Obsessed #006: The Missing Piece
There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus. -Blaise Pascal Not feeling fulfilled? The beloved and time-worn expression “God-shaped vacuum” gives the impression a human is like a five-jillion-piece jigsaw you…
Slightly Obsessed #005: A Dangerous Faith
Only you musn’t press him. He’s wild, you know. Not like a tame lion. -Chronicles of Narnia C.S.Lewis I want so much to have God figured out. Categorized. Safely tucked into stackable boxes of doctrine. But decades of this pursuit have left me convinced He is unfathomable. The more I know Him, the less…
Slightly Obsessed #003: One Whisper
I may not know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future. I may listen to a thousand tongues, but I only hear one whisper. The Future First Call When Elijah fled from the evil queen Jezebel, he was one tired prophet. Exhausted in body and soul, he figured he was a…
Slightly Obsessed #001: Incomparable
God can use broken instruments to make incomparable music. -Joni Eareckson Tada Are You Broken? All of us are, in one way or another. For some of us, physical disability or devastating illness has ravaged our lives. For many, the emotional pain of secret wounds and failures have become unbearable. Some of us are…
Fireflight Talks About “Now”
Fireflight’s lead vocalist Dawn speaks with cmaddict contributor Jon Fisher about their latest album “Now” 1. Your last album was titled “For Those Who Wait” and the new album is title “Now.” Is there any significance to that juxtaposition? We didn’t set out to create one, but in the end I suppose it’s a…