The Lazarus Brigade, Part 3: Behind Blood Falls
Jesus wept. When Jesus arrived in Bethany, His followers were mourning the death of Lazarus. He sent Martha to find Mary. Martha found Mary in despair, surrounded by mourners who were attempting to console her. At the sight of Jesus, she fell to His feet in abject grief. …saying to Him, “Lord, if You had…
The Lazarus Brigade: Part 2- Behind Blood Falls
When the worst happens to us, where is Jesus? When Lazarus became deathly ill, his sisters entreated the Lord for help. Not only did He not run to their side, He purposely stayed away for two days. While they prayed and waited and anxiously attended to their brother, Jesus refused to come and heal him.…
The Lazarus Brigade: Part 1 – Behind Blood Falls
Who was Lazarus? Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. -John 11:1 The New Testament introduces us to two men named Lazarus. One is a poor man described in a parable of Jesus in Luke 16:19-31. The other Lazarus was the brother of Martha and Mary…