Tag: Sports
23 Blast
“23 Blast” is a 2014 inspirational sports drama film directed by Dylan Baker. The movie is based on the true story of Travis Freeman, a high school football star from Corbin, Kentucky, who loses his sight due to a rare sinus infection that destroys his optic nerve overnight. Despite the sudden and irreversible blindness, Travis…
Big George Foreman
“Big George Foreman” is a 2023 biographical sports drama film directed by George Tillman Jr. The movie tells the remarkable true story of George Foreman, played by Khris Davis, who overcame a challenging childhood in Houston, Texas, to become an Olympic Gold medalist and World Heavyweight Champion. The film follows Foreman’s journey from his early…
Running the Bases
“Running the Bases” is a 2022 American Christian sports film directed by Marty Roberts and Jimmy Womble. The movie stars Brett Varvel, Gigi Orsillo, Todd Terry, and Cameron Arnett. The story follows Luke Brooks, a small-town baseball coach who gets the offer of a lifetime to become the head coach of a large 6A high…