Month: May 2017
Slightly Obsessed #184: The Mark of Maturity
I gave you milk to drink, not solid food, for you were not yet able to receive it. – I Corinthians 3:2 The infant finishes his bottle and smiles contentedly. A trickle of milk courses down from the corner of his mouth. It’s a sweet scene because it’s what babies do. They are born with…
Slightly Obsessed #183: He Knows Your Name
To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. – John 10 All sheep look alike to me. Defenseless, timid, and nondescript creatures, they tend to wander and get into trouble. When one falls, it needs help to get back on…
Slightly Obsessed #182: When Speaking the Truth Makes You the Enemy
So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth? – Galatians 4:16 The apostle Paul loved the people of God. After his conversion to Christ, he spent his life not only establishing churches, but also ministering to their needs. He often had the unpleasant duty of confronting issues that threatened the fledgling church,…