The Shift


“The Shift” (2023) is a Christian science fiction thriller film directed by Brock Heasley. The story follows Kevin Garner, a recovering alcoholic and hedge fund manager who loses his job after the collapse of Bear Stearns. Devastated, Kevin plans to fall off the wagon but meets a woman named Molly, who helps him stay sober.

Years later, Kevin and Molly are estranged after their son’s disappearance. Kevin gets into a car accident and is rescued by a mysterious stranger known as The Benefactor. The Benefactor reveals that Kevin has been shifted to a parallel universe and offers him anything he wants if he becomes one of his “shifters,” transferring people to alternate realities.

Kevin is skeptical but agrees to a demonstration, which leads him to discover the dark truth about the Benefactor and the cruel nature of these shifts. The film is a modern-day retelling of the Book of Job, exploring themes of faith, redemption, and the battle between good and evil.


1 Hour 55 Minutes

Release Date: 2023


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