Slightly Obsessed #021: Love Letter


…but these have been written so that you may believe that

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God;

and that believing you may have life in His name.

– John 20:31


The house was dark and cold, but deliciously quiet as I finally walked in the door from an afternoon of running chores in town.

My body was weary, matching the heaviness of my soul as I entered the house and stirred up the fire in the woodstove. I pulled up a chair next to it to warm up. Too tired to go upstairs for my usual evening Bible reading, I picked up a Bible from the downstairs bookshelf.

The Bible was cheap and worn, its torn cover silent witness to the many days my mother carted it around with her when she was alive. My father gave it to me after her death, and I often liked to read from it. It always comforted me to see her careful notes in the margins, and somehow it soothed the pain of losing her. Over the years we had often enjoyed spontaneous Bible studies together, chasing down nuggets of God’s treasures and reveling in His revelation to mankind.

This night, I caressed the pages as the sweet memories flooded over me.

I ran my fingers over her graceful handwriting as the tears fell again. Her death was my first major loss. It comforted me to touch the pages she once touched. Her notes were the solid evidence of a beloved person I could no longer see, a love letter from another realm. An intense longing to hear her voice and to see her face overwhelmed me.

It was a familiar ache, the same one I have often had as I think of Jesus. Mother went to join Him in heaven. I missed her so much.

I miss Him so much.

Though I know His Spirit still is here and I’m not forsaken, I some days I just yearn to see His beautiful face, to hear His voice. The longing to be united with Him is intense.

That’s when I pick up a Bible and run my fingers over the pages. He was really here, and He’s coming back. The Lord Jesus had to return to heaven for a while, but He left tangible evidence of His presence in His Word. The Bible is the cherished love letter that He wrote to bring me comfort, teach me His ways, and give me life.

When I am lonely for Him, all I have to do is pick up Mother’s Bible and enjoy one of our treasure hunts again as He reminds me of His fierce and powerful love. He’ll be here soon, and He’s bringing Mother back with Him.

What a day that’s going to be!


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