Tag: Family
The Pilgrim’s Progress (Full Movie)
“The Pilgrim’s Progress” (2019) is an animated Christian fantasy adventure film directed by Robert Fernandez. It’s based on John Bunyan’s classic 1678 novel of the same name. The story follows Christian, a man burdened by the struggles of life in the City of Destruction. Determined to find peace and security, he embarks on a perilous…
The King of Kings
A father tells his son the greatest story ever told, and what begins as a bedtime tale becomes a life-changing journey. Through vivid imagination, the boy walks alongside Jesus, witnessing His miracles, facing His trials, and understanding His ultimate sacrifice. The King of Kings invites us to rediscover the enduring power of hope, love, and…
Light of the World
“Light of the World” (2025) is an animated film directed by Tom Bancroft and John J. Schafer. The movie beautifully illustrates the life of Jesus Christ from the perspective of his beloved young friend, the Apostle John. The story begins in 30 AD, with everyone eagerly awaiting the coming Messiah. Although Jesus isn’t exactly what…
The movie “David” (2025) is an animated feature film directed by Phil Cunningham and Brent Dawes. It tells the biblical story of David, a shepherd boy who becomes a warrior, poet, and eventually a king. The film follows David’s journey as he overcomes trials through faith and family, ultimately inspiring his people that true power…