Slightly Obsessed #263: Have This Talk with Your Soul
Tonight you turned on the tv. Gloom, death, and agony are everywhere. The smell of sulfur pervades the airwaves as Satan dances in the blood of destroyed lives. Disgusted, you turn the set off. Then you worry what you may be missing. What if something’s happening you need to know about? You checked out social…
Slightly Obsessed #090: A Day of Turkey, a Life of Praise
It is good to give thanks to the LORD, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High. – Psalm 92:1 When you see Christmas coming… The well-known Bible commentator Chuck Missler once said, “When you see Christmas coming, you know that Halloween is almost here.” Every year, nearly as soon as the…
Slightly Obsessed #010: A Prayer of Thanksgiving
It is good to give thanks to the LORD And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High. – Psalm 92:1 Dear God, I’ve been thinking lately about those in the Old Testament who complained and became the Ungrateful Dead, while I wallow in my complaints, Unscathed. I’ve been wondering…