Life is Beautiful
Why We Need Women | Exclusives with Lisa Bevere & Allie Beth Stuckey
A Worthy Name | Diamonds in the Dust with Joni Eareckson Tada
Ep 6: Shuttering Abortion Businesses with Missy Martinez-Stone
Life is beautiful – The Picnic
The thing I loved the most would be the last thing I would do before my accident.
This day 27 years ago was the last time I would play guitar. Ironically the thing I loved the most would be the last thing I would do before my accident. Another…
What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?
Rachel Holt – I Was Gonna Be (Official Music Video)
“I Was Gonna Be” by @rachelholtmusic — Baste Records (@basterecords) June 21, 2024
Song in the Night: One Family’s Journey From Darkness To Dawn – By Pam Thorson
As a young Christian, Kevin Thorson was a normal, healthy 19-year-old. Music was his life, and he planned to play his guitar and use his talents for God. Abruptly, all seemed to…
Pro-Life Songs
For her and baby.
With Those Who Weep – Behind Blood Falls
…weep with those who weep. – Romans 12:15 Today’s episode of Behind Blood Falls contains a personal message from the author. A Nation Savaged A small, white chair lies upended along an…
The Secret – Behind Blood Falls
A secret is a terrible thing to bear. Would not God find this out? For He knows the secrets of the heart. – Psalm 44:21 There are myriad types of secrets. Some…