Slightly Obsessed #170: Fully Possessed


But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, to proclaim the virtues of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

– Peter 2:9 (Berean Study Bible)

They march. They curse, rant, and riot. They spew their rage all over social media.

The political climate has been tumultuous since the recent election. Some folks don’t like the results of the election, and unlike years past, can’t seem to get past it. They can’t move on. They are obsessed with protesting the loss.

Although the title of this weekly series is “Slightly Obsessed,” humans rarely get a little obsessed about anything. We either love it or hate it.  And we have a national compulsion to share why. To be obsessed with a thing is to be consumed by it, to have our thoughts and actions dictated by constant and commanding thoughts about the object of our passion.

What possesses us, changes us.

It tells others more about who we are than anything we can say, sing, rant, or tweet. Talk is cheap. We can march all day for justice, but if we’re so possessed by anger we trash an innocent person’s business, justice is not the message he hears. Assaulting others with our attitudes, no matter how justified in our own eyes, is still assault. Vulgarity and self-righteous pride only reveal the ugliness lurking our own hearts.

Jesus tells us this in Luke 6:45:

The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.

We’re all obsessed about something. It might be movies, food, politics, or germs. What fills your heart today? What is your treasure? Who owns you?  

I want to be a woman possessed by the Spirit of the living God. I pray my heart is so filled with Jesus that my mouth overflows always with His praise. I yearn to speak words anointed with His grace and truth, my brokenness revealing His beauty like the fragrance from a crushed flower.

I pray this for you, as well. May the Spirit of God fill you with the power to withstand this evil age and live in hope of eternity. May God possess your thoughts. May the treasure of your heart overflow to reveal salvation and joy and a magnificent obsession for all that is good.

May you be addicted to the Lord Jesus Christ, fully possessed, and more than slightly obsessed with the kingdom to come.


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