Tag: 2023
Brave The Dark
“Brave the Dark” is a gripping drama inspired by true events. Set in a small town, it follows the story of a troubled teenager and a disillusioned teacher who forge an unlikely bond. The student, grappling with a difficult home life and feeling outcast, crosses paths with the teacher, who has lost his passion for…
Big George Foreman
“Big George Foreman” is a 2023 biographical sports drama film directed by George Tillman Jr. The movie tells the remarkable true story of George Foreman, played by Khris Davis, who overcame a challenging childhood in Houston, Texas, to become an Olympic Gold medalist and World Heavyweight Champion. The film follows Foreman’s journey from his early…
Jesus Revolution
Jesus Revolution is a gripping drama inspired by real events from the late 1960s and early 1970s in Southern California. The film depicts the rise of the Jesus Movement, a countercultural Christian revival that spread across the United States. The story revolves around the unexpected alliance between a jaded pastor, Chuck Smith, and an energetic…
Voting launches for 4th Annual The Grizzly Awards, celebrating faith-based rock and metal
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — Voting has launched for the 4th annual The Grizzly Awards, celebrating faith-based rock and metal. Fans can cast their votes at https://rockon.ink/VoteGrizzlies until February 6. This year, fans are invited to cast one ballot, which they can edit at any time until voting closes. The categories have been pared back to focus…