Sidewalk Advocates for Life
Gone Unseen Trailer (Pro-Life Film)
Ep 11: Men on the Sidewalk and in the Movement with Nate Robertson of Sidewalk Advocates for Life
The Lauren Muzyka Show
Sidewalk Advocates for Life (SAFL) is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending abortion by offering real help and hope to women considering abortion. Their mission is to transform the sidewalks in front of…
Episode 10: Understanding the Decisions Women Make with Brandy Meeks
Sidewalk Advocates for Life (SAFL) is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending abortion by offering real help and hope to women considering abortion. Their mission is to transform the sidewalks in front…
Episode 8: This Approach Wins Abortion Workers Out of the Industry with Abby Johnson (Part 2)
VICTORY in Atlanta, GA
Episode 7: This Approach Wins Abortion Workers Out of the Industry with Abby Johnson (Part 1)
Victory in Pensacola, FL – Sidewalk Advocates for Life
Wake Up to Life – Episode #50
Saving Lives in Post-Roe America: A Case Study on New Mexico
Interview with Lauren Muzyka, Founder, President & CEO of Sidewalk Advocates for Life
Lauren Muzyka, Founder, President & CEO of Sidewalk Advocates for Life speaks with’s Kevin Thorson about why she founded SAFL, their mission, current pro-life issues, the March for Life and more!…