Tag: Christian
The movie “David” (2025) is an animated feature film directed by Phil Cunningham and Brent Dawes. It tells the biblical story of David, a shepherd boy who becomes a warrior, poet, and eventually a king. The film follows David’s journey as he overcomes trials through faith and family, ultimately inspiring his people that true power…
Christina and Scott MacIntyre Reach One Million Mark with TV Special “Enduring Hope”
March 8, 2023 (Phoenix Arizona) —— Christina and Scott MacIntyre have hit a major milestone with their first television special, Enduring Hope, with a million viewers. The program, which shares the couples journey through Scott’s blindness and two kidney transplants, debuted in October 2020 on UpTV, NRB and WSMV-TV in Nashville. The audience has now…
Big George Foreman
“Big George Foreman” is a 2023 biographical sports drama film directed by George Tillman Jr. The movie tells the remarkable true story of George Foreman, played by Khris Davis, who overcame a challenging childhood in Houston, Texas, to become an Olympic Gold medalist and World Heavyweight Champion. The film follows Foreman’s journey from his early…
Running the Bases
“Running the Bases” is a 2022 American Christian sports film directed by Marty Roberts and Jimmy Womble. The movie stars Brett Varvel, Gigi Orsillo, Todd Terry, and Cameron Arnett. The story follows Luke Brooks, a small-town baseball coach who gets the offer of a lifetime to become the head coach of a large 6A high…