New Christian Thriller “Blood Falls” Available on Amazon
Arrow, Idaho, June 5, 2023 – The award-winning Christian thriller “Blood Falls” by Pam Thorson is now available for purchase at Amazon.com. Death stalks the streets. Looting and rioting decimate the cities. Store shelves sit empty as citizens hoard supplies and water. Nations seethe in unrest. The year? Pick a recent date. World events…
Slightly Obsessed #249: Some Are Born to Weep
Oh that my head were waters And my eyes a fountain of tears, That I might weep day and night For the slain of the daughter of my people! – Jeremiah 9:1 It’s Okay to Cry He is known as the weeping prophet. Born in Anathoth, the son of a Hebrew priest, Jeremiah lived approximately…
Slightly Obsessed #225: Why Lightning Doesn’t Strike the Wicked
But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men. But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. The Lord is not slow about…
Slightly Obsessed #176: Why Noah Should Matter to Us
Thus Noah did; according to all that God had commanded him, so he did. – Genesis 6:22 Noah had already lived much of his life when God called him to build the ark. He was not a young man when the fate of humanity was placed upon his shoulders. It was a fearful…
Slightly Obsessed #124: When Justice Comes Slowly
Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil. – Ecclesiastes 8:11 Be sure your sin will find you out. – Numbers 32:23 He sat waiting just outside the circle of the streetlight, poised in the shadows…
Slightly Obsessed #116: What Do You Battle?
For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God. -1 Peter 4:17 One flag comes down. Another goes up. And everyone has an opinion. Battle lines are being drawn everywhere as the States formerly known as United become a nation polarized by competing ideologies. Christians have, understandably, felt threatened by the…
Slightly Obsessed #115: Before the Gavel Falls
Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil. – Ecclesiastes 8:11 He asked the question, but his voice filled with mocking. The Canadian wondered why Canada hadn’t earned judgment from God for its decade of…
Slightly Obsessed #112: Silence of the Lamb
When the Lamb broke the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. – Revelation 8:1 Heaven is a busy place. At least, that’s what the Bible says. According to the Scriptures, it’s the true center of the universe, where angels regularly present themselves to God (Job 1:6; 2:1).…
Slightly Obsessed #069: Blood Moon
The sun will be turned into darkness And the moon into blood Before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. – Joel 2:31 They predicted a bad moon rising. More specifically, a “blood moon.” I really didn’t want to awaken from a deep sleep to gaze at the skies. But I…